1.You will not be expected to know all of these packages, but a basic understanding of each will help you out in the longrun.
2.In modern society, the power of money be obvious to people, but this power must not large enough to modify our basic understanding of life.
3.With this basic understanding in place, it's quite easy to modify Listing 2 to make it more interactive.
4.The key to training with a heart rate monitor is a basic understanding of the concept of heart rate training zones.
5.This article is written for developers who already have a basic understanding of XML and XSL, and are ready to build on this knowledge.
6.But when it comes to the SketchUp API, you can go very far with just a basic understanding of the language.
7.A basic understanding of mathematics, solid geometry, and color theory may be prerequisite to beginning such a program.
8.Just learning the language is not enough and there should also be a basic understanding of the culture behind it.
9.Fortunately, with a basic understanding of the primary key and foreign key strategy employed, you can find anything you want.
10.This includes healthcare professionals, consumers and policy makers with a basic understanding of the underlying disease or problem.